Wire connector "cardan"

The connector can be opened and closed easily. It is pressed to the wire using pressure pliers. 

This connector is particularly flexible and resitant to reverse bending cycles.

Field of application
Field of application
  • For connecting diamond wires for all kinds of wire saw applications where you need a closed wire loop.
  • Tool life friendly as there is no need to cut and thus shorten the diamond wire when opening the loop.
  • Suitable for diamond wires of Ø 8 to 12 mm.
  • The wire connector "Cardan" is built up of 2 fork pieces, 1 middle piece and 2 pins.
  • Pressure of 8 tons is needed to fix the connector to the diamond wire.
  • Suitable for wires with a carrier rope diameter of Ø 4,8 – 5,0 mm.
  • Suitable for die stocks MK 9 and MK 8

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